How to Solve Samsung Galaxy S7 Battery Life Issues

The eternal quest for a longer battery life in Android devices continues as evermore bigger batteries and efficient chips are in a battle with big, screens, new software, features, and applications. Most of us want our handsets to do everything for a long time.

Both the Galaxy S7 Edge and Galaxy S7 have more to offer. The S7 handset has a 3000mAh battery that supports fast wireless charging.  However, the S7 users are still experiencing battery life problems. Some users are reporting abnormal battery drain issue. These reports have been increasing as of late. If you are facing this problem, here are few suggestions to fix the issue.

Find the battery hungry applications

The very first recommendation we make if the battery life is not as expected is checking on third-party apps. If you would want to fix the battery problem, keep an eye on apps for potential problems. These applications can sometimes drain a battery faster than anything else.
There is always a chance that a rogue application will put a huge dent in your battery life. This happens to all Android handsets, not just the Samsung Galaxy S7. If you use an app a lot, it is going to drain the battery. More so, sometimes bugs can cause an application to go rogue and start draining your battery abnormally. This has been experienced with the Oculus application which comes pre-installed for the Samsung Gear VR.
If you notice some rogue application as the culprit for battery drain, uninstall it to solve the problem. You can also try to reinstall the app to see if the bug causing the unusual battery drain will be fixed.

Check the ‘App power saving’ settings

Even after getting rid of the power-hungry applications from your handsets, there are other applications that you do want to keep around but they are unnecessarily running in the background.
The best way to avoid this is turning the power saving mode on. This restricts the ability of an application to run in the background in case you have not used them in five days or more. The apps can still work when you open them and that resets the counter.

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G LTE & GPS

If you are not using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you might consider turning them off. This is one of the easiest and quickest methods to increase the battery life. If you are in a Wi-Fi location such as a coffee shop yet you aren’t using Wi-Fi, turn it off as the handset will search for a network continuously.
Then, of course, using stuff like tethering drains your battery life. So make sure you use it when necessary. More so, anything that is using GPS and 4G LTE will drain your handset’s battery. The GPS chip tends to be very power-hungry and can drain a battery quickly especially the 7. Unless you use the Google Maps daily, avoid using GPS for location as it can drain your battery life.

Use a black wallpaper

Go to Settings>Personal>Wallpaper> and then From Gallery and select a black wallpaper. You will not find the default option but you can create one for yourself or find one online.

Restart your device

It is recommended to restart your device if you’re facing any kind of battery drain. This simple process can help you solve the problem.

Factory reset

If nothing works to prevent battery drain, it is time to opt for a last resort; that is factory resetting your Samsung S7.
It is important you use the Samsung Galaxy S7 default battery settings.
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